Join Rhythm for a slow day around Sydney; an unimaginative swell report leading the guys away from the beach and into the big smoke, past the tourist lights and into the quieter parts of Newtown.
I suppose most days in Manly Vale start about the same for us - breakfast, coffee. Certain to be closely followed with a quick load up of our respective vehicles and a drive to the beach, ain’t no shuttles in the Valley. Not today, crisis - its flat, real flat.
Standing there scratching our heads and looking at this glistening blue pancake, feeling betrayed and confused, wondering why we packed such an assortment of cameras and surfboards in the first place.
After several long, fruitless moments waiting for something, anything to happen, we give up on stupid surfing. We split up, Kane and I decide we need more caffeine and perhaps pastry, undoubtedly - Rollers. Delectable, crunchy yet soft, little layers, hundreds of them all precisely assembled by a handsome little man in a glass cabinet. The Plain and an Iced Filter, what more could you possibly ask for?
Rollers Bakehouse
19 Rialto Lane, Manly NSW 2095
K: Alright, I’ve got an idea, let’s go into town, I’ve got some film to drop off, we can go to Repressed. Let’s get the ferry in and skate, I’m keen!
L: Okay okay, let’s take the car home, c’mon, chop chop, get in, let’s go!
Five heavily caffeinated minutes later we’re home, swapping mid-lengths for skateboards and boardies for shoes n’ socks (and pants, come on figure it out). Another five minutes later we’re flying out the door and down the road, boards under our feet, ready for whatever.
The ferry is always a pleasant experience. Once you’re through the gate and waiting for your ship to arrive, there’s plenty people to look at, my particular favourite this day was an old American couple with a tandem bicycle getting ready for their own adventure through the big smoke. Once you’re boarded it’s somewhat of a waiting game, there’s a lot more to look at as you pass through the heads and in towards the city, however it can feel slow, perhaps due to caffeination, not sure, need to get moving. We’re dwarfed by the Harbour Bridge and the enormous buildings surrounding Circular Quay. The city seems to rise out of the sea mist, a site to behold.
Repressed Records
413 King St, Newtown NSW 2042
On arrival in Newtown we head for Repressed Records, a great little independent in the heart of Newtown, a great selection of books and records for all of those more analogue inclined. We came away with a Harumi album and a neat Funk compilation dated 1960-75.
We skate around for another hour or so, falling over, getting hurt, all the rest.
K: Over it? Studio?
L: Yeah I’m torched, let’s bail.
Coupla quick schooeys at the Courthouse, then off to Wynyard, opting for the easy mode B-Line all the way back to the Valley, swap the skateboards for the car again, heading downtown to the Sauce studio.
Sauce Studio, Freshwater
It’s a full house, Ash’s painting, Tyler’s doing something on some program I don’t understand, Blaise’s doing just about the same, wedding dresses coming out his ears. All together a great environment for any sort of creative work, which is totally unsuited to myself as I make lattes for a living and think Microsoft Paint is a design tool. The records are great, everyone’s exhausted, help me get home I’m tired and I reckon surfs going to be cooking tomorrow! Yeehaw!
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